The Potters House Christian Fellowship Church

The Potters House CFM

7707 SW Highway 85, Suite 105

Buckeye, AZ 85326

Pastor Vincent Savarese

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday Night Sermon

Phillipians 2:5-9

The humbled Christ is our example. Thirty years of obsecurity, working as a carpenter, from Nazareth veiled in glory. He has unlimited power, able to heal with simply His word, with the ability to control raging storms with just His hands, yet our humbled God layed His powerful hand on the rejected lepers. There are six points to the Lords humility that we can learn from and they are....

1. He made Himself of no reputation.
2. Took the form of a bond servant.
3. Came in the likeness of men (to identify with our weakness).
4. Obedient to the point of death (who could really say that?).
5. Would not respond to slander.
6. He was patient (thirty years of preparation for three years of ministry).

Closing thought.....

God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. God will fight the proud persons lifestyle, but receives with open arms the broken and humble who come to Him with child-like faith.

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